Happy Energy Efficiency Day!
Energy efficiency is experiencing a period of rapid transformation.
In many states, energy efficiency programs have transformed the residential lighting market, and LED bulbs are now the norm for many applications. As residential lighting opportunities diminish for these energy efficiency programs, new opportunities are emerging.
Along with other distributed energy resources, energy efficiency can help reduce local peak load, which opens new doors for meeting customer needs at lower cost (distributed energy resources can include demand response, energy efficiency, solar PV and storage, among others). This is motivating utilities to:
-implement longer-term distribution system planning efforts that forecast constraints, including those created by electric vehicles, and
-identify opportunities to defer or avoid distribution investments with distributed energy resources, including geo-targeted energy efficiency programs.
States with carbon emissions policies are:
-prompting energy efficiency program administrators to track and report carbon savings, align energy efficiency goals with carbon reduction goals, and promote or explore fuel switching measures to further reduce carbon emissions, and
-designing and implementing new programs to motivate municipalities to invest in energy efficiency.
Synapse is at the forefront of this energy efficiency program makeover, advising and connecting regulators, program administrators, consumer advocates, environmental stakeholders, and technology developers. Our team of 10 efficiency experts worked on nearly 40 efficiency-related projects over the past year across 12 states or Canadian provinces, particularly in the hot topics shown below. Check out our recent energy efficiency projects here at Synapse by searching "Energy Efficiency and Demand Response" on the projects page of our website. Starting in November, we’re launching a fall/winter energy efficiency blog series to showcase energy efficiency industry highlights. Our November blog will focus on the speed of the residential lighting market transformation and new opportunities for energy efficiency program administrators. Stay tuned for more information on future blogs!