Remembering Frank Ackerman
My friend Frank Ackerman died on Monday, July 15th. We worked together at the Tellus Institute in the 1980s and 1990s, and more recently at Synapse. Frank's intellect and ability to get to the heart of complicated technical, economic, and institutional issues made him a powerhouse in climate and energy policy. His sense of humor made him a pleasure to work with. Over the years I've been inspired by Frank's commitment to finding the toughest and most important problems, and then focusing on them tenaciously with patience, honesty, and lots of creative energy. I don't know anyone who has contributed as much to understanding climate economics and debunking flawed analyses.
Here's a link to the last thing that Frank wrote, an essay titled "Why Economics?" that explains the arc of his career and contributions to cost-benefit analysis, climate economics, and exposing inequality.
Frank’s website remains home to many of his publications, including papers, op-eds, and information about his books.
I'm enormously grateful to have known Frank as a long-time friend and colleague. He will be missed.