Distributed Energy Resources
Distributed energy resources such as energy efficiency, battery storage, solar PV, and demand response have a growing role in an increasingly decentralized energy system. We combine a deep understanding of the technical characteristics of distributed energy resources with knowledge of best practices in how to plan for and analyze them.

Synapse helps figure out how different regions can meet goals for implementing distributed energy resources. We provide detailed analysis for program design, cost-effectiveness screening, and policy impacts.
Distributed Energy Resource Programs
With limited budgets for DER programs, it's important to get the details right. Synapse reviews and helps refine DER programs to make sure they're hitting the target audiences and maximizing the benefits they are capable of providing cost-effectively.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is the quintessential "no-regrets" energy resource due to its low cost and massive potential. Our experts provide technical support in planning for, screening, and implementing strategies for energy efficiency resources.
Demand Response
If done effectively, demand response can provide immediate relief when energy demands strain electric or gas systems. Synapse helps assess demand response programs, policies, and regulatory treatment to enhance the resource's benefits to ratepayers.
Distributed Generation
Synapse supports development and review of distributed generation policies and programs, in addition to assessing potential in specific regions. We look at ways jurisdictions can meet policy goals by incentivizing distributed generation technologies where it is cost-effective to do so, and without impacting utility customers inequitably.
Building Decarbonization
With decarbonization of the electric grid underway, in some regions faster than others, the building sector now needs solutions for reducing emissions from the fossil fuels delivered directly for heating, cooking, and other end-uses. Synapse understands the technologies, program designs, standards, and policies needed to wean buildings off natural gas and other combustibles.
Energy Storage
Behind-the-meter battery energy storage is a relative newcomer to the distributed energy resource portfolio. Our experts help assess how batteries' technical characteristics interact with the grid, particularly when paired with solar panels. We review storage programs and policies to determine cost and benefits, customer impacts, and likely market adoption rates.
Electric Vehicles & Transportation
More and more utilities are treating electric vehicles as distributed energy resources by providing incentives for managed charging, on top of the incentives provided by many state and provincial programs. Synapse evaluates these programs and policies to determine impact and effectiveness. We do this analysis in the context of transportation sector decarbonization, which requires a much broader solution than only electric vehicles.
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