Energy & Climate Roadmaps
Synapse works with our clients to develop and analyze energy future scenarios for cities, towns, states, regions, and the nation as a whole. We base these roadmaps on rigorous analysis using available technologies and feasible market adoption projections.

We analyze the costs, benefits, rate and bill impacts, employment and economic impacts, emissions, and other factors associated with energy resource scenarios using publicly available data and well-supported assumptions. This work often supports the creation of clean energy plans and new or modified energy policies.
Synapse is a leading consultancy in creating and evaluating low-emissions scenarios. On behalf of clients, we've examined futures with dramatic reductions in fossil fuel use and rapid deployment of renewable energy.
Engaging Stakeholders & Developing Plans
Synapse recognizes that a healthy and robust stakeholder process is key to a successful climate roadmap. Synapse works with clients to identify and engage stakeholders across a wide range of interests. We hold in-person and virtual meetings and charettes, conduct surveys, and present initial results to both elicit feedback from and educate communities, interested organizations, and technical advisory groups. This information can then be used to create a climate roadmap that’s backed with community support.
Modeling Cross-Sector Relationships
Synapse utilizes a package of industry-standard and custom-built models to assess energy, emissions, and economic impacts of climate roadmaps, including capturing interactive effects across all sectors of the energy system associated with changes in fuel use. At Synapse, we recognize that no one tool is right for every job, and work with the client to identify which models and analytical frameworks are most relevant to the task at hand. Our work also extends to understanding the impact of decarbonization on jobs and GDP across the residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, electric, and other sectors.
Robust & Detailed Electric Sector Analysis
The electric sector is the key to a decarbonized future. Synapse has been conducting detailed analysis of the electric sector for decades and has expertise in quantifying hourly and annual load impacts of electrification strategies in industry standard power sector modeling. Our experience spans from modeling a single winter peak to an extended period through 2050, and from analysis of a small utility service territory to the entirety of North America. Our work often includes interpreting impacts on utility financials, customer rates, wholesale markets, grid transformation, and other aspects of the electric system not typically covered by power sector models alone.
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