Caroline Palmer
Principal Associate
Master of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley
BS in Science, Technology, and International Affairs from Georgetown University
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- 617-973-1715

Caroline Palmer provides expert witness and consulting services on behalf of public interest clients in regulatory proceedings. She specializes in electric utility cost of service, class revenue apportionment, advanced rate design, decoupling, and distributed generation interconnection, cost allocation, and compensation. Her work focuses on ratepayer protection and pricing that incentivizes consumers to manage their electricity usage in line with the needs of the evolving power system.
Caroline has sponsored testimony in Massachusetts, Maine, North Carolina, and Oklahoma. She has evaluated and recommended alternative methodologies in embedded and marginal cost of service studies in jurisdictions including Alaska, Utah, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Caroline has also analyzed and proposed alternatives to utility revenue apportionment, the subjective step linking cost of service and rate design, in Indiana, Maryland, and Utah. She has developed alternative rate designs for residential, commercial and industrial, and electric vehicle customers, countered residential fixed charge increases, designed successor net metering tariffs, and proposed time of use periods in multiple jurisdictions. She has been a panelist at the annual meeting of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA).
Caroline holds a Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley and a BS in Science, Technology, and International Affairs from Georgetown University.