Designing Effective Electric Grid Resiliency Plans
The Alliance for Affordable Energy retained Synapse to provide guidance and input to the New Orleans City Council as it reviews a grid resiliency plan developed by Entergy New Orleans. Synapse developed a brief that synthesizes Synapse’s previous work on resiliency planning, research from national research institutions, and emerging best practices from resiliency plans across the country.
The brief:
- Identifies key components of high-quality electric grid resiliency plans;
- establishes criteria for evaluating a grid resiliency plans;
- surveys ongoing New Orleans resiliency efforts that a resiliency plan should integrate with; and
- develops a list of questions for decision-makers to ask when developing or reviewing an electric grid resiliency plan.
Synapse presented the key findings of its brief to stakeholders as part of the public engagement process in New Orleans Docket No. UD-21-03. Synapse staff also consulted with the Alliance for Affordable Energy on strategic intervention in the ongoing stakeholder process and participated on behalf of the Alliance in several of the stakeholder meetings.