Expert Witness Services for the New Hampshire Office of the Consumer Advocate
Synapse was retained by the New Hampshire Office of the Consumer Advocate to provide expert witness services in proceedings related to energy efficiency, grid modernization, rate design, least-cost integrated resource planning, revenue decoupling, alternative regulation, and more.
In Docket DE-21-030, Melissa Whited and Ben Havumaki testified regarding Unitil's proposed rate increase for the residential class, multi-year rate plan, revenue decoupling mechanism, and grid modernization investments.
In Docket DE 20-092, Courtney Lane and Danielle Goldberg testified on NHSaves 2022–2023 Energy Efficiency Plan proposal. The testimony focused on the plan’s compliance with House Bill 549, support for the Granite State Test for cost-effectiveness, the importance of ratepayer-funded efficiency programs, and recommended program improvements.
In Docket DG 21-104, Courtney Lane and Ben Havumaki testified regarding Northern Utilities’ proposed rate increase for the residential class and multi-year rate plan.