Honduras Microgrid Regulations

U.S. Department of Commerce
Project Completed June 2022

Honduras' national grid is unable to supply all of the country's electricity needs, especially in rural areas. Microgrids can play a key role in supplying electricity where the grid is unreliable or non-existent. Synapse Energy Economics (subcontractor), the Pace University Energy and Climate Center, and Dr. Chris Greacen assisted the U.S. Department of Commerce, Commercial Law Development Program in drafting comprehensive microgrid regulations to support the deployment of microgrids to accelerate rural economic growth through increased access to affordable and reliable energy in Honduras.

The Project Team worked closely with the Honduran Electricity Regulator and the Secretary of National Energy to determine how new microgrid regulations best fit within the existing regulatory framework. The team drafted structural parameters for microgrids including classifications, technical requirements, contractual requirements, and the licensing and certification process for microgrid developers. It also drafted the terms and conditions of service and consumer protections.

The Project Team sought input from and presented the draft microgrid regulations to a variety of interested parties including local government officials, microgrid developers, and community members during a microgrid stakeholder workshop in June 2022 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.