Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Needs Analysis

Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Project completed.

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs hired Synapse and subcontractors Center for Sustainable Energy and Resource Systems Group to analyze the future needs of electric vehicle charging stations. This analysis was rooted in the requirements of the Global Warming Solutions Act and the Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2025/2030, which provides statewide requirements for electric vehicle adoption and infrastructure build-out. Tasks were to develop estimates on the need for different kinds of public and private electric vehicle charging stations, identify high priority travel corridors for the placement of fast-charging stations—with a focus on providing sufficient charging infrastructure for both normal days and peak travel demand days—and develop a report on policy approaches to supporting electric vehicle infrastructure (taking into consideration the evolution of electric vehicle charging business models, the current utility make-ready electric vehicle infrastructure programs, and the importance of minimizing the need for transmission infrastructure). View the team's Update on EVI Demand Modeling and Long-Distance Travel Needs presentations.