Mobile Energy Storage Systems Study
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources retained Synapse and subcontractor DNV GL to produce a comprehensive assessment of mobile energy storage systems and their use in emergency relief operations. The study explored the landscape of available mobile energy storage systems, which are roughly divided into towable units and self-mobile systems in the forms of various electric vehicle (EV) platforms. Mobile energy storage systems may be uniquely capable of enhancing energy resilience in response to severe weather events and associated outage conditions. The study found that mobile energy storage systems can be self-mobile electric vehicles (light-duty vehicles, vans, or buses) or towable (towable or transportable via semi-trailer truck). This study provided a comprehensive assessment of mobile energy storage systems, their use in emergency relief operations, and their use on typical (non-outage) days. Specifically, this report addressed four fundamental questions: state-of-the-art, usage on typical days, opportunities and challenges to deploy in response to outages, and potential advantages over stationary battery energy storage systems.
The final report, Mobile Energy Storage Study: Emergency Response and Demand Reduction, is available on the Department of Energy Resources website.