Net Zero Energy by 2030 Roadmap for the City of Burlington, Vermont
In 2014, the City of Burlington, Vermont became the first city in the United States to power itself on 100 percent renewable electricity. Synapse Energy Economics (Synapse) and Resource Systems Group (RSG) are proud to partner with the City to take its next big step, developing a roadmap to put the community on the best path to achieve Net Zero Energy by 2030. The City’s Net Zero Energy by 2030 goal is the most ambitious climate goal established in the United States to date. The goal is defined as reducing and eventually eliminating fossil fuel use from the heating and ground transportation sectors over the next decade.
The roadmap, released earlier this month, is an analysis of the major steps and milestones needed to reach the goal, along with supporting data and strategies for achieving the goal. The Synapse/RSG team:
- Developed a 2018 baseline of energy use across all sectors;
- Projected a business-as-usual trajectory through 2030;
- Analyzed four pathways to net zero energy by 2030, including the magnitude and cost effectiveness of each opportunity; and
- Detailed policies and strategies with consideration for impact, cost effectiveness, and equity.
The approach and supporting strategies are applicable to many communities nationwide. Policymakers, implementers, and citizens in states, regions, cities, and towns can read the roadmap here.