The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company 2023 Rate Case

City of Chicago
Project completed.

Dr. Sol deLeon provided testimony in The Peoples Gas Light (PGL) and Coke Company 2023 rate case on behalf of The City of Chicago. Her testimony reviewed the application for a general increase in rates in the context of national, state, and city climate, and decarbonization policies and provided recommendations the Commission can deploy to ensure that PGL's gas infrastructure investment is aligned with energy transition and decarbonization policies. Synapse recommends that the Commission should direct PGL to (1) provide a GHG emissions analysis of its scope 1,2 and 3 emissions, (2) provide analysis of Non-Pipeline Alternatives for investments in major capital projects, and (3) conduct a Joint Feasibility Assessment of a portion of its service territory to assess the potential for strategic electrification and retirement of leak-prone pipe.