Analysis of Proposed Maritime Link Transmission Project and Alternatives
On behalf of the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, Synapse assessed the Maritime Link transmission project proposal, which contemplates a transmission link to Newfoundland and participation in a hydroelectric development project. The assessment focused on determining if the Maritime Link project is the lowest, long-term cost option available for Nova Scotia to meet its 40% renewable energy requirement for the year 2020. Synapse also assessed the overall economics of the proposal, as compared to alternative renewable energy options (such as Nova Scotia wind resources, including any required transmission improvements required to reliably support increased wind output). For the alternative option, Synapse reviewed estimates of capital cost requirements for wind integration, the need for different asset groups in order to integrate wind, and the relative flexibility (ramping and unit commitment characteristics) of the thermal fleet of resources in Nova Scotia. Synapse also reviewed requirements for additional transmission system development in order to facilitate integration of wind resources.