Maryland Procurement
The Maryland Public Service Commission solicited input on whether new generation is needed to meet the long-term, anticipated demand in Maryland and the quantity of generation needed. Synapse assisted the Sierra Club in submitting expert comments regarding the need for additional capacity in Maryland’s electricity supply markets and cost-competitiveness of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Synapse determined that Maryland does not have a need for new gas-fired capacity and should not procure new resources. It was recommended that the utilities not procure capacity under the current process, but rather that the state undertake a new procurement process that addresses Maryland’s present energy needs and allows for competition from a wider range of energy resources.
While Synapse found that there was no need for new gas-fired energy or capacity in Maryland, the state does have a long-term interest in developing new renewable energy and energy efficiency resources in order to meet Renewable Portfolio Standard and EmPower policy obligations, as well as the goals set out in Maryland’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act.