Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities Investigation into Time Varying Rates
Synapse and its subcontractor, Nancy Brockway, assisted the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) in docket DPU 14-04, an investigation into Time Varying Rates (TVR). Time-varying rate structures can provide valuable signals to customers regarding the costs of service at different times of the day, week, and year. These signals can help to reduce demand during expensive peak periods, thereby reducing electricity costs. In assisting the DOER prepare comments, Synapse evaluated whether TVR should be offered for basic service, and offered recommendations for developing a menu of rate design options that could be expanded over time. Synapse also analyzed the experience in other jurisdictions with opt-out versus opt-in TVR structures, and recommended the adoption of certain customer protection measures. Finally, Synapse assessed the merits of adopting peak-time rebate programs in Massachusetts.