Nevada Net Energy Metering Ratemaking
On behalf of The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC), Synapse provided expert witness services in a docket opened in Nevada to review NV Energy’s proposal for an alternative net energy metering tariff. NV Energy proposed to establish a new rate class and a new, three-part rate structure for net metering customers. In his direct testimony to the Nevada Public Utilities Commission, expert witness Tim Woolf explained why NV Energy’s proposal is not compliant with SB 374—a state senate bill designed to encourage private investment in renewable energy resources—and why it is inconsistent with ratemaking principles. Mr. Woolf proposed an alternative rate structure that is compliant with SB 374, will prevent cost-shifting between net metering and non-net metering customers, will provide customers with simple, appropriate price signals regarding the value of net metered resources, creates downward pressure on electricity rates, and promotes the development of customer-sited renewable resources in Nevada.