Performance-Based Ratemaking and Standard Offer Services
Synapse participated in the Mississippi Public Service Commission’s Generic Docket to Consider Competition in the Provision of Retail Electric Service. First, Synapse reviewed and critiqued the filings of Entergy and the Southern Company with regard to standard offer pricing and performance-based ratemaking for transmission and distribution services. Synapse then prepared an assessment of the market power issues likely to arise in a restructured electricity industry in Mississippi, including a critique of the market power studies of Entergy and Southern Company. Additionally, Synapse and Resource Insight prepared an assessment of the stranded cost filings of Entergy and Southern Company. The results, including a discussion of divestiture of generation assets and the responsibility for stranded costs and gains, were presented in the testimony of Bruce Biewald before the Mississippi Public Service Commission in Docket No. 96-UA-389. Project completed in 1999.