Review of Ontario Gas Demand-Side Management Plans
Synapse reviewed the gas demand-side management plans submitted by Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. and Union Gas Limited to the Ontario Energy Board for 2016-2020. As an independent consultant to the Board’s staff, Synapse prepared a report providing comments and recommendations for improvements to the plans based on best practices in leading jurisdictions. The topics covered in this report include the following: (a) projected energy savings, budget, and cost-effectiveness, (b) program design and delivery, (c) program evaluation plans, (d) shareholder incentives, (e) customer financing, (f) coordination between gas and electric programs, (g) the use and development of input assumptions including savings estimates, free ridership and spillover factors, and (h) gas infrastructure planning. Mr. Kenji Takahashi and Mr. Tim Woolf provided expert testimony regarding the results of our report before the Board’s panel, and supported the Board staff’s filing submission to the Board.