Strategies for Decarbonizing the Electric Power Supply
The electric sector will play a major role in achieving global emissions reduction goals due to the volume of its emissions and the ability to substitute electricity for more polluting forms of energy use. Synapse prepared a report on behalf of the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) that presents a broad range of strategies for decarbonizing the electric sector, including policies to discourage fossil fuel use (e.g., the use of a carbon price through taxes and cap-and-trade, carbon intensity measures, and resource planning); technology strategies (e.g., carbon capture and storage); and policies to encourage low carbon sources (e.g., renewable portfolio standards). The report, Strategies for Decarbonizing the Electric Power Supply, concludes that coordination of strategies—both technological and policy oriented—is essential to effective and economical decarbonization efforts.
Strategies for Decarbonizing the Electric Power Supply was prepared as part of The Global Power Best Practice Series, funded by Climate Works Foundation and RAP. It can be found at