Transparency and Efficiency in Default Service Procurement
Synapse assisted the Staff of the Delaware Public Service Commission conduct a multi-party exploration of potential updates to Delaware's procedures for competitive procurement of power to serve default service customers. In the wake of major retail rate increases from the state's first procurement, the Delaware Legislature enacted major changes to the state's electric restructuring statute. Synapse helped the Staff plan and run workshops to gather the views of retail marketers, wholesale generators and marketers, consumers, and the serving utility. We then fashioned written proposals for process changes, moderated discussions among the parties, and helped negotiate consensus on most of the issues. Synapse then helped the Staff draft and present its report to the Commission. Among the changes adopted by the Commission were provisions to increase and speed up public disclosure of information about bids, to coordinate procurement timing with surrounding jurisdictions, and provide the Commission with better market information and added flexibility to manage the RFP. Project completed in October 2006.