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Presentation 2018
California Building Decarbonization Webinar Slides
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Presentation 2018
Stakeholder Presentation - Updating the Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Framework in Minnesota
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Report 2018
Updating the Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Framework in Minnesota
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Presentation 2018
EV-REDI Ready to Launch Webinar Slides
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Report 2018
Effects of the Draft CAFE Standard Rule on Vehicle Safety
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Report 2018
Avoided Energy Supply Components in New England: 2018 Report (October Re-Release)
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Report 2018
Decarbonization of Heating Energy Use in California Buildings
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Presentation 2018
Massachusetts GWSA Appendices
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Report 2018
Analysis of the Avoided Costs of Compliance of the Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act
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Report 2018
Driving Transportation Electrification Forward in Pennsylvania
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Presentation 2018
The National Standard Practice Manual and the Value of Energy Efficiency in New York
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Presentation 2018
NSPM Presentation at NASUCA 2018 Mid-Year Meeting
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Presentation 2018
Benefit-Cost Analysis for New York Energy Investments
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Presentation 2018
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Investments in the Modern Grid
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Report 2018
Giving Back Half the Gains
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Presentation 2018
What's Available and What's Needed for Strategic Electrification Planning and Forecasting in the Northeast Slides
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Paper 2018
Challenges and Opportunities for Deep Decarbonization through Strategic Electrification under the Utility Regulatory Structures of the Northeast
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