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Synapse is committed to transparency and increasing public access to good information. Wherever possible, we make our reports and whitepapers available for public use.

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Report 2016
Fuel Savings: Higher Fuel Economy Standards Result in Big Savings for Consumers
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Report 2016
Envisioning Pennsylvania Energy Future: Powering the Commonwealth Energy Needs with 100 Percent Renewables by 2050
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Report 2016
Envisioning Pennsylvania's Energy Future: Powering the Commonwealth's Energy Needs with 100 Percent Renewables by 2050
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Report 2016
Reinvigorating SCE&G Energy Efficiency Programs
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Presentation 2016
Opportunities to Ramp Up Low-Income Energy Efficiency to Meet Climate Policy Goals (slide deck)
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Paper 2016
Opportunities to Ramp Up Low-Income Energy Efficiency to Meet State and National Climate Policy Goals
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Paper 2016
Synapse Comments Regarding the NARUC Manual on Distributed Energy Resources Compensation
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Testimony 2016
Surrebuttal Testimony of Thomas Vitolo PhD Regarding Duke Energy Carolinas NEM Methodology
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Publication 2016
Rehearing Testimony of Tyler Comings Evaluating the Assumptions and Analysis Used by FirstEnergy Ohio in Support of its Application for Approval of an Electric Security Plan and Related Retail Rate Stability Rider
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Testimony 2016
Rebuttal Testimony of Bob Fagan and Max Chang Regarding ComEd Formula Rate Case
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Testimony 2016
Exhibits for Direct Testimony of Jeremy Fisher regarding Georgia Power 2016 Integrated Resource Plan
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Testimony 2016
Direct Testimony of Jeremy Fisher Regarding Georgia Power 2016 Integrated Resource Plan
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Paper 2016
Memo on Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification in Virginia
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Report 2016
Health and Climate Benefits of Offshore Wind Facilities in the Mid-Atlantic United States
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Testimony 2016
Direct Testimony of Elizabeth A. Stanton Regarding the National Grid Analysis of Economic Benefits of Proposed Access Northeast Gas Pipeline
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Testimony 2016
Responsive Testimony of Tyler Comings on Oklahoma Gas and Electric Application for Approval to Install Dry Scrubbers at the Sooner Generating Facility
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Presentation 2016
New Renewable Generation Capacity - Why Here and Not There? (Webinar Slides)
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