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Presentation 2015
Multi-State Compliance and CP3T (slides)
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Testimony 2015
Direct Testimony of Jeremy Fisher Regarding PacifiCorp Application for Approval of Deer Creek Mine Transaction
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Report 2015
Utility Performance Incentive Mechanisms: A Handbook for Regulators
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Report 2015
2015 Carbon Dioxide Price Forecast
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Presentation 2015
EUCI Net Metering 2.0: Balancing policies to protect consumers
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Presentation 2015
Implementing Net Metering to Meet Policy Objectives
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Presentation 2015
CO2 Price Forecasting: Planning for Future Environmental Regulations
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Presentation 2015
EPAs AVERT: Avoiding Emissions from the Electric Sector through Efficiency and Renewable Energy
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Presentation 2015
Clean Energy Advocates Bootcamp: Understanding Supply and Demand in New England
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Presentation 2015
Energy Efficiency and 111(d)
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Report 2015
Comments on Indianapolis Power & Light Company 2014 Integrated Resource Plan
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Publication 2015
Rebuttal Testimony of Tyler Comings Regarding Assumptions in Analysis Supporting OGE Request for Authorization and Cost Recovery of Clean Air Compliance Plan and Mustang Modernization
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Testimony 2015
Rebuttal Testimony of Jeremy Fisher Regarding Oklahoma Gas and Electric Plan to Comply with the Federal Clean Air Act
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Report 2015
Dallman Units 31/32: Retrofit or Retire?
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Report 2015
Analysis of a Carbon Fee or Tax as a Mechanism to Reduce GHG Emissions in Massachusetts
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Testimony 2015
Testimony in Opposition to HB 208 Repealing the New Hampshire Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
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Testimony 2015
Surrebuttal Testimony of Paul Peterson on Market Power Issues Related to the Exelon-Pepco Merger in Maryland
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