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Testimony 2014
Direct Testimony of Richard Hornby and Martin Cohen on GridSolar Smart Grid Coordinator Petition
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Presentation 2014
Net Metering and Mississippi
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Testimony 2014
Direct Testimony of Richard Hornby on Wheeling Power Company Petition to Acquire Mitchell Station
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Report 2014
Alternate Scenarios for 111(d) Implementation in North Carolina
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Report 2014
Calculating Georgia 111(d) Target
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Report 2014
Calculating Alabama 111(d) Target
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Report 2014
Supplementary Audit of Port Hawkesbury Paper Load Retention Tariff
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Testimony 2014
Surrebuttal Testimony of Bob Fagan Regarding Air Emissions and Electric System Reliability Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling
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Testimony 2014
Rebuttal Testimony of Bob Fagan Regarding Air Emissions and Electric System Reliability Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling
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Testimony 2014
Direct Testimony of Bob Fagan Regarding Air Emissions and Electric System Reliability Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling
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Report 2014
Indian Point Energy Center: Effects of the Implementation of Closed-Cycle Cooling on New York Emissions and Reliability
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Testimony 2014
Reply Testimony of Bob Fagan and Patrick Luckow Regarding the Relationship between California Investor Owned Utilities Hourly Load Profiles under a Time-of-Use Pricing and GHG Emissions in the WECC Regions
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Testimony 2014
Testimony of Bob Fagan and Patrick Luckow Examining San Diego Gas & Electric Proposal to Change Time-of-Use Periods
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Testimony 2014
Reply Testimony of Bob Fagan and Patrick Luckow in Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate and Refine Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans
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Testimony 2014
Testimony of Bob Fagan and Patrick Luckow in Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate and Refine Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans
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Testimony 2014
Reply Testimony of Bob Fagan and Thomas Vitolo in Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate and Refine Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans
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Report 2014
Filing to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board on Nova Scotia Powers October 15, 2014 Integrated Resource Plan: Key Planning Observations and Action Plan Elements
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