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Report 2014
Sustainable Development for the Navajo Nation: Replacing the Navajo Generating Station with Renewable Energy
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Report 2014
The Resource Value Framework: Reforming Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Screening
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Testimony 2014
Surrebuttal Testimony Regarding Central Maine Powers Request for an Alternative Rate Plan
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Report 2014
Comments on Duke Energy Indiana 2013 Integrated Resource Plan
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Report 2013
Greening TVA: Leveraging Energy Efficiency to Replace TVAs Highly Uneconomic Coal Units
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Report 2013
Massachusetts Electric Grid Modernization Stakeholder Working Group Process: Report to the Department of Public Utilities from the Steering Committee
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Report 2013
Meeting Load with a Resource Mix Beyond Business as Usual
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Testimony 2013
Direct Testimony of Jeremy Fisher Regarding Cleco Power Request for Authorization to Retrofit Coal Plants
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Testimony 2013
Cross Answering Testimony of Jeremy Fisher Regarding Cleco Power Request for Authorization to Retrofit Coal Plants
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Testimony 2013
Testimony of Jeremy Fisher Regarding Proposed Merger of NV Energy, Inc. and MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company
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Testimony 2013
Prefiled Testimony of Elizabeth A. Stanton Regarding the Prudency of Public Service of New Hampshire Scrubber Project at Merrimack Station
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Testimony 2013
Direct Testimony of Elizabeth A. Stanton Regarding the Climate Change Impacts of the Proposed Natural Gas Transmission Line in Vermont
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Report 2013
A Clean Energy Standard for Massachusetts
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Presentation 2013
Addressing Specific IRP Issues
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Presentation 2013
Energy Efficiency Screening: Application of the TRC Test
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Report 2013
An Expanded Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Base Case and Carbon Reduction Scenarios in the EIPC Process - Report Overview
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Report 2013
An Expanded Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Base Case and Carbon Reduction Scenarios in the EIPC Process
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