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Testimony 2011
Declaration of Bill Steinhurst Examining Luminant Job Loss Estimates Related to CSAPR
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Testimony 2011
Declaration of Bruce Biewald Regarding Luminant CSAPR Challenge
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Testimony 2011
Affidavit of Robert Fagan Regarding Reliability, Status of Electric Power Generation Capacity, and Current Electric Power Procurement Policies in New Jersey
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Report 2011
Big Risks, Better Alternatives: An Examination of Two Nuclear Energy Projects in the U.S.
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Report 2011
Emissions Reductions from Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in California Air Quality Management Districts
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Presentation 2011
Innovative U.S. Electricity Policies and Programs
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Presentation 2011
Impacts of Fukushima Nuclear Accident on the U.S. Nuclear Industry
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Presentation 2011
Review of Resource Planning around North America
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Presentation 2011
A Regulator’s Perspective on Energy Efficiency
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Presentation 2011
Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Tests
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Presentation 2011
Why Consumer Advocates Should Support Decoupling
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Presentation 2011
Do RTOs Need a Capacity Market?
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Testimony 2011
Additional Evidence Regarding Heritage Gas Rate Case
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Testimony 2011
Direct Evidence Regarding Heritage Gas Rate Case
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Report 2011
Market-Based Environmental Protection Mechanisms and the Impact on Energy Production and Use
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Report 2011
Deployment of Distributed Generation for Grid Support and Distribution System Infrastructure: A Summary Analysis of DG Benefits and Case Studies ‒ Final Report Summary, Task 6
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Report 2011
Deployment of Distributed Generation for Grid Support and Distribution System Infrastructure: A Summary Analysis of DG Benefits and Case Studies ‒ Analysis of Regulatory Disincentives to Utility Ownership/Facilitation of DG and Remedial Policies, Task 4
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