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Report 2023
Synapse Electricity Snapshot 2023
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Report 2023
TVA's Clean Energy Future
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Paper 2023
The High Cost of New York Gas Utilities' Leak-Prone Pipe Replacement Programs
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Report 2023
Comment Letter: A Clean Energy Portfolio Is Still the Best Option for TVA
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Maximilian Chang on Behalf of Clean Virginia
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Report 2022
Review of Duke Energy's Application for Approval of Electric Vehicle Managed Charging Pilots
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Testimony 2022
Review of Maritime Electric's Proposed Rate Changes
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Alice Napoleon on Behalf of the Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board: Docket 22-254
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Danielle Goldberg on Behalf of The Citizens Utility Ratepayer Board: Docket 22-254
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Testimony 2022
Cross Answering Testimony of Alice Napoleon: Docket 22-254
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Testimony 2022
Testimony of Alice Napoleon in Support of Settlement Agreements: Docket 22-254
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Publication 2022
DCG Direct Testimony of Asa Hopkins
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Report 2022
Clean Wisconsin Quad IV Phase III Comments
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Report 2022
Clean Wisconsin Quad IV Phase II Comments
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Report 2022
Clean Wisconsin Quad IV Phase I Comments
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Report 2022
Public Stakeholder Recommendations in Response to CenterPoints First IRP
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Publication 2022
Evidence of Alice Napoleon on behalf of Counsel to Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
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