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Testimony 2022
Supplemental Direct and Rebuttal Testimony of Devi Glick on behalf of Environmental Intervenors
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Melissa Whited and Ben Havumaki On Behalf of The People of the State of Illinois
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Report 2022
Final Report of Distributed Generation Successor Program in Maine
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Report 2022
Climate Policy for Maryland's Gas Utilities: Financial Implications
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Melissa Whited on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Counsel, Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientist (Clean Energy Parties) Regarding Demand Charge Alternative Proposal
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Report 2022
Maximizing the Benefits of Transportation Electrification in Pennsylvania
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Publication 2022
Comments on Hawaii Gas Integrated Resource Planning Modeling
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Publication 2022
Evidence of Melissa Whited on Behalf of Counsel to Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Kenji Takahashi on Behalf of the Office of the Attorney General
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Jennifer Kallay on behalf of The Office of the Attorney General
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Testimony 2022
Evidence of A. Napoleon and K. Takahashi on behalf of Counsel to Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
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Report 2022
Synapse comments on the 2022 Rate and Bill Impact Analysis- M10830
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Testimony 2022
Rebuttal Testimony of Alice Napoleon and Asa S. Hopkins Regarding ConEd's Proposed Gas Investments and Planning
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Asa S. Hopkins and Alice Napoleon Regarding ConEd's Proposed Gas Investment and Planning
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Dr. Asa S. Hopkins On Topic of Business Risk
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Presentation 2022
Summary of Evidence on Business Risk
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Devi Glick on behalf of Sierra Club
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