On the Road to Fleet Electrification: A Framework for Estimating Distribution System Impacts of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Electrification

Advanced Energy United
Project completed.

Large-scale Medium- and Heavy-Duty vehicle (MHDV) electrification has the potential to put downward pressure on electric utility rates, provide valuable grid services, save money for fleet owners, and reduce pollution and GHG emissions. Preparing our electric grid and building the electrical capacity to power our transportation sector will be one of the largest logistical and public policy challenges over the next decade and one of the most valuable infrastructure investments we’ve made in generations.

This report, prepared by Synapse Energy Economics for Advanced Energy United, presents a framework for analyzing and preparing for the large-scale electrification of MHDVs. It focuses on assessing the impacts of the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule and other electrification policies on electric distribution grids, particularly at the level of feeders and substations. The study provides an approach to estimate the specific locations within the grid where vehicles are expected to charge and the resulting increase in peak demand. It highlights how the electric grid can absorb these new loads, where upgrades are necessary, and what solutions can mitigate costs effectively. Through real-world case studies in Pennsylvania and Illinois, this report showcases the practical application of the framework, addresses data challenges, and discusses various methodologies.  

By identifying where the distribution system can handle added loads and where it needs enhancements, this analysis guides future investment and electric vehicle adoption plans. The recommendations aim to foster collaboration among electric utilities, regulators, state agencies, and other stakeholders to proactively plan and minimize costs, ensuring a smooth transition to MHDV electrification.

To download the report, visit Advanced Energy United: https://blog.advancedenergyunited.org/reports/on-the-road-to-fleet-elec…