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Paper 2014
Unleashing Energy Efficiency
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Presentation 2014
October 15 Stakeholder Meeting Slides
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Testimony 2014
Biennial Determination of Avoided Cost Rates for Electric Utility Purchases from Qualifying Facilities Additional Testimony
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Testimony 2014
Biennial Determination of Avoided Cost Rates for Electric Utility Purchases from Qualifying Facilities Rebuttal Testimony
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Publication 2014
October 15 Stakeholder Meeting Agenda
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Report 2014
Regulatory Policies to Support Energy Efficiency in Virginia
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Publication 2014
111(d) Cost Estimate Tool for States
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Presentation 2014
Webinar: Benefit-Cost Analysis for Distributed Energy Resources In New York
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Report 2014
Net Metering in Mississippi: Cost, Benefits, and Policy Considerations
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Testimony 2014
Surrebuttal Testimony of Rick Hornby Regarding Wisconsin Electric Power Company Rate Case
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Testimony 2014
Direct Testimony of Rick Hornby Regarding Wisconsin Electric Power Company Rate Case
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Presentation 2014
Expected U.S. Climate and Environmental Policy: The Future of Coal Power and Clean Energy
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Report 2014
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Distributed Energy Resources: A Framework for Accounting for All Relevant Costs and Benefits
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Report 2014
The Economic, Climate, Fiscal, Power, and Demographic Impact of a National Fee-and-Dividend Carbon Tax
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Presentation 2014
Driving Efficiency with Non-Energy Benefits
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Report 2014
TVAs Use of Dispatchability Metrics in Its Scorecard
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Report 2014
Maximizing Public Benefits through Energy Efficiency Investments
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