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Testimony 2011
Exhibits of Testimony Regarding Public Service Company of New Mexico Proposed Revision of its Retail Rates
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Testimony 2011
Testimony Regarding Public Service Company of New Mexico Proposed Revision of its Retail Rates
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Report 2011
A Brief Survey of State Integrated Resource Planning Rules and Requirements
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Presentation 2011
Economics of Existing Coal Generation and Opportunities for Clean Electricity
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Testimony 2011
Testimony Regarding Otter Tail Power Company Petition for an Advance Determination of Prudence for its Big Stone Air Quality Control System Project
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Report 2011
PJM System Planning: Enhancements for the 21st Century
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Paper 2011
The Jevons Paradox and Energy Efficiency: A Brief Overview of its Origins and Relevance to Utility Energy Efficiency Programs
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Presentation 2011
WECC Coal Plant Retirement Based on Forward-Going Economic Merit
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Report 2011
Environmental Controls and the WECC Coal Fleet
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Testimony 2011
Surrebuttal Testimony in the Matter of Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation’s Application for Revenue Decoupling Mechanism
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Testimony 2011
Direct Testimony in the Matter of Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation’s Application for Revenue Decoupling Mechanism
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Report 2011
Benefits of Beyond BAU: Human, Social, and Environmental Damages Avoided Through the Retirement of the U.S. Coal Fleet.
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Presentation 2011
A Regulator’s Perspective on Energy Efficiency
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Presentation 2010
Consumers at the Water/Energy Nexus
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Presentation 2010
Addressing Climate Change While Protecting Consumers
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Presentation 2010
Transitions to Smart Grid, a.k.a. Modernizing Distribution Systems: Major Factors Affecting Cost Effectiveness
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Presentation 2010
Review of Utility Owned DG Business Models for New York
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