Resource Hub

Synapse is committed to transparency and increasing public access to good information. Wherever possible, we make our reports and whitepapers available for public use.

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Report 2022
A Better New England Regulatory Framework for Mitigating Climate Change
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Report 2022
Transforming Transportation in Michigan: A Roadmap to the State’s 2050 Climate Target
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Testimony 2021
Direct Testimony of Devi Glick on behalf of Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (Phase III)
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Testimony 2021
Direct Testimony of Devi Glick on behalf of Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council
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Testimony 2021
Direct Testimony of Courtney Lane on Behalf of The Office of People's Counsel Case No.9655
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Publication 2021
Brief Evaluation of Maryland Building Energy Transition Plan and Associated Maryland Building Decarbonization Study Conducted by E3
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Report 2022
Maximizing the Benefits of Transportation Electrification in Pennsylvania
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Report 2021
WRA NRDC Comments Phase 1- 21-05002
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Report 2021
Reply Comments of the Conservation Advocates Phase 2- 21-05002
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Report 2021
Comments of the Conservation Advocates Phase 3 BW
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Report 2021
Reply Comments of the Conservation Advocates Phase 3- 21-05002
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Report 2021
Reply Comments of the Conservation Advocates Phase 1- 21-05002
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Report 2021
Synapse comments on 2023-2025 Demand Side Management Resource Plan: Updated DSM Portfolio Scenarios Plan and Initial Model Input Assumptions and Results
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Report 2021
Synapse comments on EfficiencyOne 2021 Rate and Bill Impacts Report- M10321
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Report 2021
Synapse comments on EfficiencyOne's DSM Portfolio Scenarios Plan and Round 2 Model Input Assumptions and Results
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Testimony 2022
Direct Testimony of Dr. Asa S. Hopkins On Topic of Business Risk
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Presentation 2022
Summary of Evidence on Business Risk
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