Resource Hub

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Project 2020
Expert Testimony in Indiana Regarding Lost Revenue Recovery Resulting From COVID-19
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Project 2020
Expert Testimony Regarding the Cost-Effectiveness of Two Electric Vehicle Programs
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Collage of distributed energy resources
Project 2020
National Standard Practice Manual for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resources
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Project 2020
Estimating the Need for New Gas Capacity in the Southeast
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Ravenswood gas generating station in New York
Project 2020
Gas Regulation for a Decarbonized New York
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Project 2020
Review of Duke Indiana Unit Commitment and Dispatch Practices in the Company’s Quarterly Fuel Adjustment Cost Dockets
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James River National Wildlife Refuge, VA. Credit: USFWS
Project 2020
Alternatives to the James River 500 kV Line
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Project 2020
Benefit-Cost Analysis of EPA's Proposed Effluent Rule Change
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Washington DC skyline at twilight
Project 2020
The Future of Solar PV in the District of Columbia
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Project 2020
Evaluation of Time-of-Use Rates in Colorado
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Collage of clean energy impacts
Project 2020
Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing
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Project 2020
Job Impacts of Investing in Public Infrastructure in Massachusetts
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Project 2020
Assessment of National Grid's Long-Term Capacity Report
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Picture of Chesterfield coal plant CC-by-SA EdBrown05
Project 2020
Identifying Gaps Between Utility Decarbonization Targets and Actions
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Project 2020
Continued Support for New York Reforming the Energy Vision
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D.C. Capitol Building
Project 2020
Analysis of Performance-Based Regulation and Accounting for Climate Impacts
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Maryland State Capitol Building
Project 2020
Alternative Ratemaking in Maryland
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